ACCA Pass Guarantee

We want you to pass your exams and succeed in the next steps of your career. If you don’t get the results you were expecting and have enrolled on an eligible course, you can take advantage of our pass guarantee.

What is ACCA Pass Guarantee

Kaplan’s Pass Guarantee is designed to make sure you are supported to pass your exam, no matter what. Classroom and Live Online students can attend Tuition, Revision, and Question-Based Days at the next sitting at no extra cost. However, most students find that just the Revision and Question-Based Days are enough to get them back on track. You can attend Classroom or Live Online courses.

Student Services will be able to guide you on your next steps and the options available, to make sure you have the best chance of passing your exam.


Mock Exam

Get extra practice before you re-attempt the real exam with practice exams that replicate the format and focus areas of the real exam.

Structured learning

Our courses follow a structured timetable each week. Expert lecturers will walk you through the syllabus with relevant examples so you understand those trickier topics


Who is eligible?

Students can avail of Kaplan’s Pass Guarantee if you meet the following criteria:

  • The student must be a registered student with Kaplan and have attended the training either through classroom or online mode.
  • The student should be enrolled for full course (tuition + revision QBD) to be eligible
  • Students should appear for the exam in the same window of the original enrollment
  • The Student have 70-80% attendance in that paper and window
  • The student  have attempted all progress tests and mock exams.
  • The student must share proof of failing the exam
  • The student can only avail it once in any of the the upcoming two exam testing window

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The answer to your doubts is just a click away! Simply fill in your details in the form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.